What follows is a complete list of people who contributed in one way or the other to my research and thinking about Bud Powell and his times. For an explanation of the primary roles that Maxwell Tillman Cohen and Francis Paudras played in my effort, see the endnotes.
One valiant if mostly fruitless effort, to trace Powell's patrilineal heritage, demands special thanks: Brigitte Burkett's dogged examinations of all pertinent Virginia records, in the search for a trace of Bud Powell's paternal grandfather. None emerged, though her rigorous poring over census and other records showed me how much work must be undertaken just to yield educated hunches. When and where Richard Powell lived, and if he went to Cuba (as is tantalizingly mentioned in various books) may never be known.
A few other (re-)sources were so essential that they also deserve special mention:
Jazz Oral History Project (JOHP), which is sometimes known as Smithsonian Oral History Project; George Hoefer, who wrote a column, "Hot Box", for Metronome, but whose notes, which offer information on personnel and live engagements that he didn't fit in his columns; WKCR, the closest there is to a jazz-radio station of recordand its irrepressibly informative (also infuriating), longest-serving (and -winded) deejay, Phil Schaap; Claude Schlouch, who has compiled a Bud Powell discography, to which I have made corrections and annotations; Brian Priestley, a constant if long-distance, erudite and patient mentor and colleague; and, most of all, Institute of Jazz Studies (IJS)not just its vast recorded archive, periodical holdings, and underused book holdings but its clips files, with their myriad sources of information on even the most obscure musicians . . . and Dan Morgenstern, jazz's greatest authority and gentleman* * * *
Actors Equity Association; Llyn Adalist; Agence Mephisto; Toshiko Akiyoshi; Chris Albertson; Richard Alderson; Rashied Ali; Björn Ålker; Candace Allen; Steve Allen; Jillian Allison; Steve Alter; Amagansett PO (Rosie); Amalgamated Bank (Amelia Vinal, Gary Gikher, Rosie Perez, Joseph Tansey); Norma Ambrose; Erik Amundsen; American Foundation for Negro Affairs (Samuel Evans, Amelia Harris); American Psychiatric Association (Wendy); Bill Anderson; Anupam; Larry Appelbaum; Alice K. Armstrong; Lon Armstrong; Natasha Arnoldi; Georges Arvanitas; Ken Ashworth; Shawn Askinosie; Atlantic Records (Jeff Murcko); George Avakian; BMG (Doris Kearns, Monica Petty); Brian Bacchus; Jean Bach; Paul Bacon; Michel Bader; Reid Badger; Ibtisam Bahri; Phil Bailey; Biff Baker; Paul Baker; Butch Ballard; Theresa Ballard; Dave Barber; Allan Bargebuhr; Anthony Barnett; Barre-National, Inc.; Lindsay Barrett; Roberta Bassi; Alan Bates; Philippe Baudoin; Howard Becker; Karen Bennett; Nigel Bennett; Alain Berdal; Bob Berenato; Bryant Berg; Scott and Marsha Berg; Bully et Daniel Berger (et combo); Ed Berger; Benjamin Berges; Johs Bergh; Warren Bernhardt; Lebert Bethune; Enrico Bettinello; Lars Bjorn; Samantha Black; Brian Blanchfield; Egbert Bloeme; Blue Note Records (Michael Cuscuna, Bruce Lundvall, Evar Mantis); Harvey Bluestone; Warren Blumberg; August Blume; Larry Blumenfeld; Bob Blumenthal; Stéphane Bonnat; Armand Borel; Ken Borgers; Nabil Boudraa; Boulzaguet-Delaitre (Alain Berdal, Mme Deblaize); Gérald Bourgardier; Charlie Bourgeois; Michel Bourgois; José Bourguignon; Pierre Bouru; Thomas Bowles; Elizabeth Bowser; Ron Brady; Henry Brant; Evelyn Brechtlein; Peter Breggin; Jay Bregman; Conrad Brenner; Stanford F. Brent; Percy Brice; Olga Brinitzer; Richard Brookens; Stuart Broomer; Elsa Barkley Brown; Ray Brown; Steve Brown; Olivier Bruchez; Lodewijk Brunt; Frank Buchmann-Møller; Dick Buckley; Natalie Bullock; Karen Burdick; Mark Burford; Brigitte Burkett; Barbara Buxbaum; Ozzie Cadena; Caduceus (listserve); Mark Cantor; Cesar Carbonini; Carnegie Library (Barry Chad); David Carp; Red Carraro; Claude Carrière; Vienna Carroll; Al Casey; Center for Black Music Research (Suzanne Flandreau); Center for Jazz Studies; Jack Chambers; Colin Channer; Teddy Charles; Eric Charry; Julie Chase; Chestnut Hill Historical Association (Liz Jarvis); Simone Chevalier-Ginibre; Paul Chevigny; Josie Childs; John Chilton; Maïk Chomel; Jon Christensen; Paul Chuffo; Cityfolk (Dave Barber); Barrett Clark; Connie Clarke; Donald Clarke; John Clement; Jay Clements; Claudia Coblenz-Solkov; Rosa Codena; Gil Coggins; Michael Cogswell; Fred Cohen; Jim Cohen; Maxwell Tillman Cohen; Noal Cohen; Barbara Cohen-Stratyner; John Collins; Chris Columbus; Committee on Open Government (Robert Freeman); Sim Copans; Shirley Conover; Michel Contat; Sim Copans; Marti Copleman; John Corbett; Alain Corneau; John Cottrell; Country Music Foundation Library (Ronnie Pugh); Pierre Courbois; Dana Criswell; Aileen and Bill Crow; Terry Cryer; Creedmoor State Hospital (Evan Fraser, Constance Freeman, Emanuel Polaris, Karen Schechter, Charlotte Seltzer); Isabelle Cuadrado; CUNY Law School (Andrea McArdle and students); Laurent Cugny; Alby, Vonette, and Maurice Cullaz; Bill Cunliffe; Scott Currie; Carol Ann Cutler; Chuck, Leonard, Linda, and Racine Cutler; Stefan Czapsky; Linda Dahl; (New York) Daily News (Vinnie Panzarino); James Daly; Agnes and Fred Dalton; Stanley Dance; Bill Daniels; Douglas Daniels; Danish Jazz Federation (Mette Fano, Karen and Arnvid Meyer); Danish Radio (Kjeld Frandsen, Panik); James Dapogny; Francis Davis; Harvard Davis; Les Davis; Margaret Davis; Susan E. Davis; Ursula Broschke Davis; Paul de Barros; Jeanne de Mirbeck; Fernando Ortiz de Urbina; De Witt Clinton High School (Al Curran, Marty Garry, Jack Shapiro); Caroline Dean; Jerome Dean; Defenders' Association (Bradley Bridge); Daniel Defert; Buddy De Franco; Delmark Records (Steve Wagner, Sue and Bob Koester); Michele Dematteis; David Demsey; Peg Dennis; Deseret News (Miss Rich); Didier Desormeaux; Marina Detienne; Scott DeVeaux; Chris DeVito; Walt Dickerson; Gene Di Novi; Karen Donovan; Frank Doris; Alan Douglas; Maggie Doyle; L. Jesse Drakes; Charlie Drago; Eileen Drelick; Jean-Pierre Duclos; David Dunn; Ellen Dwyer; Teresa and Tim Dyck; Lindsay Dyson; Allen Eager; Jon Easton; John Edwards; Lucious Edwards; Teddy Edwards; Lee Ellickson; Elkins-Sinn, Inc; Akbar Ellis; Frans Elsen; John Engels; Dede Emerson; Jules Epstein; Andy Erish; Herb Ershkowitz; Inés Escandón; Aaron Esterson; Julian Euell; Marc Exiga; Claes-Göran Fagerstedt; Fairview Cemetery (Connie Maddela); Alain Falasse; Fantasy Records (Terri Hinte); Anibal Farran; Bill Farrar; Robert Fedensieux; Pete Felleman; Peter Ferko; Daniel Filipacchi; Film/Video Arts; Christopher Finch; Ken Finkel; Gail and Ross Firestone; Michel Firon; Pat Fitzgerald; Donald Fitzpatrick; Julian Fleet; Florentine Films (Shola Lynch, Peter Miller); Chris Flicker; Otto Flueckiger; FOIA (Margaret Grafeld); Walter Foley; James Folts; Jan Forsby; Yvan Fournier; André Francis; Leonard Frank; Frederick Douglass Academy (Dorothy Haimé, Gregory Hodge); Roslyn French; Eddie Gale; Jim Gallert; Mark Gardner; Johnnie Garry; Leonard Gaskin; Hen Gates; James Gavin; Dave Gelly; John Garcia Gensel; Eileen Gentilcore; Terry Gibbs; Gary Giddins; Ted Gioia; Nicolai Gioscia; Ira Gitler; Michele Giugni; Jens-Jorn Gjedsted; Martha Glaser; Joe Goldberg; Burt Goldblatt; Julian Goldsmith; Maxine Gordon; Janet Gotkin; Robert Gottlieb; Jimmy Gourley; Mona Granager; Norman Granz; Marguerite Edwards Gras; Nicole Grassian; Jack Gratus; Milford Graves; William Greaves; Juliette Gréco; Iva Greenwald; Tom Greenwood; Sid Gribetz; Bonnie Grice; Johnny Griffin; Johnny Grimes; Gerald Grob; Tom Gsteiger; François Guillon; Françoise Guillon (née Gervais); Peter Guralnick; Larry Gushee; Marinelle Guy; E. Azalia Hackley Collection (Jean Salathiel); Jean-Marie Hacquier; Hagler Museum (Chris Baer); David Hajdu; Ray Hall; Marc Haller; Carl Hallstrom; Lionel Hannoun; Al Harewood; Harlem Hospital (Maureen Aviles); Jon Harr; Barbara and Frederic Harris; Barry Harris; Benjamin Harris; Max Harrison; Harry Haskell; Deborah Hay; Jimmy Heath; Carl Hendrix; Catherine Henry; Heike Herrberg; Jacques Hess; Art Hilgart; Peter Andrew Hill; Historical Society of Pennsylvania (Laura Beardsley); David Himmelstein; Jennifer Hochberg; Morris Hodara; Paul Hoeffler; Elliot Hoffman; Franz Hoffman; Eugene Holley; Ben Holzman; Ellen Solow Holzman; Andrew Homzy; Naoko Honda; Jack Hooke; Bertha Hope; Raymond Horricks; Arnold Horner; Michael Horowitz; Nathan Horowitz; Raymond Horricks; Daniel Humair; Evan Hunter; Randy Hutton; Janie Iadipaolo; IAJRC; Noel Ignatiev; Johnnie Ingram; Institute of Jazz Studies; Stan Isaacs; Akihiko Ishibashi; Steve Isoardi; Henrik Iversen; Ethan Iverson; Ed Jablonski; Dan Jaffe; Hyman Jaffe; Jazz-Institut Darmstadt (Wolfram Knauer); Jazz Archive (Netherlands); Jazz Foundatiion of America; Jazz Journal International; Jazz Journalists Association (Howard Mandel); Jazz Magazine (France); Jazz Memories (Francis Paudras); Jazz Podium (Poland); Jazz Record Center (Fred Cohen); jazz-research listserve (Michael Fitzgerald); Jazziz; Prophet Jennings; Jo Ann Jimenez; Liz Jobey; Abbe Johansson; Carlton Johnson; David Brent Johnson; J. J. Johnson; Sy Johnson; Willard Johnston; Tad Jones; Louise Juster; Liz and Lewis Kachur; Herluf Kamp-Larsen; Larry Kart; Carlos Kase; Dick Katz; Veronica Keenan; Peter Keepnews; Jim Keller; Robin D. G. Kelley; Barry Kernfeld; Brooks Kerr; Kathleen Kerr; John Kifner; Joe King; Bill Kirchner; Carl-Bernhard Kjelstrup; Charlotte Sasso Klein; Irv Kluger; Karl Knudsen; Bryan Koniarz; Guy Kopelowicz; Kiyoshi Koyama; Delores Kreisman; Stuart Kremsky; Jamie Krents; Ellen Krüger; Annie Kuebler; Steve Kuhn; Piet Kuiters; Barbara Kukla; Theodora Kuslan; Soo Mee Kwon; Diana Lachatenere; Steve Lacy; Mark Ladenson; Lydia and Harold Land; David Lane; Don Lanphere; Michael Lang; Art Lange; Steve Lasker; Bob Lasprogato; Arnold Laubich; Bruce Laurie; Andy Laverne; Serge Lazareff; Peter Leahy; Tim Ledwith; John Lee; Gene Lees; Anne Legrand; Gerhard Lehner; Jean-Pierre Leloir; Anita Leonard; Phil Leshin; Jørgen Leth; Andre Levaufre; Stan Levey; Floyd Levin; John Levy; Lou Levy; William Levy; David Levering Lewis; John Lewis; Syd Fields Lewis; Library Company (Phil Lapsansky); Leonard Lieberman; Abbey Lincoln; Gunnar Lindqvist; Ruth Lion; Bob Lissauer; John Litweiler; Allan Lobsenz; (American Federation of Musicians) Local 802 (Joy Portugal, Jay Schaffner, Josephine Subido); Local 47 (Matt Allen, Callum Benepe, Angela Brown, Erroll Henry, Toni Ktenavea, Serena Kay Williams); Local 77; Graham Lock; Sam Logan; Jan Lohmann; Joelle Losfeld; Leroy Lovett; Elisabet Löwå; Lee Lowenfish; Roger Luccioni; Howard Lucraft; Margareta Jonsson Lundstrom; Shola Lynch; Len Lyons; Donald Maggin; Chris Maguire; James Maher; Maria Maher; Maison du Jazz (Belgium; Jean-Pol Schroeder); Maison du Jazz (France); Morgane, Nimüe, and Pyewacket Malin; Steve Malin; Sidney Malitz; Rudi Mallasch; Kirsten Malone; Howard Mandel; Malik Manjoo; Don Manning; Howard Mansfield; Larance Marable; Stacey Marcus; Michael Margolies; Martin Margulis; Marzia Mariottini; Scot Markwell; Isabelle Marquis; Francesco Martinelli; Jörgen Mathiasen; Kenny Mathieson; Phil Mattera; Marilyn Mazur; John McCauley; Odessa McClary; Delores McCullough; Jim McHugh; Judge McKee; Al McKibbon; Bill McLaren; Linda McLaughlin; Jackie McLean; Lionel McMurren; Cathy McNulty; Marian McPartland; Donald Meade; Gil Melle; Fred Mendelsohn; Mental Health Association of Pennsylvania (Susan Rogers); Jymie Merritt; Emelyn Metfula; Ed Michel; Pierre Michelot; Fred Miles; Mark Miller; Bill Miner; Nancy Raquel Mirabal; Michael Miscione; Patrice Moerman; Kurt Mohr; Terry Monaghan; David Montgomery; Montgomery County Recorder of Deeds; Montgomery County Courthouse; Alun Morgan; Deborah Morgan; Aric Morrison; Molly Murphy; Russ Musto; Asako Nagakura; Edgar J. Nathan, Jr; National Archives; National Writers Union (NWU-BOOK (listserve), Academic Writers Caucus); Nederlands Jazz Archief (Egbert Bloeme, Herman Openeer, Tanya); Didier Nedjar; Chuck Nessa; New York City Division of Vital Records (Sandra McNeill, Rosalyn Williams); New York City Library (Devra Zetlan); New York City Register (Andrew Hargrove); New York Paper Boutique (Judy); New York State Archives (Chris Ward); New York State Office of Mental Health (Roger Klingman); Stuart Nicholson; Jack Nimitz; Fred Norsworthy; Northwest Psychiatric (Mental Health Group: Beth, Records Dept.); Marie-Claude Nouy; James Nye; NYPL (Jackie at ILL; Clorice Medley; Diana Lachatenere; Mary Yearwood; Diana Gutierrez; Matt Snyder; and all of the 42d Street genealogy and third-floor reference librarians); Ohio Historical Society; Ron Oliver; Theo Ordeman; Sabrina Ostlinger; Dave Packer; Susan Pafen; Richard Palmer; Ted Panken; Joe Paolillo; Parenthèses (Varoujan Arzoumanian); Jackie Paris; Paris Jazz Corner; Stacey Parke; Joel Parkes; Lee Parkes; Phil Pastras; Charles Patton; James Patrick; Francis Paudras; Stéphane Leroy Paudras; Lynn Payer; Bjorn Pedersen; Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen; John Pedrazzani; Harvey Pekar; Gerard Pelisson; Dave Penny; Louis Perez; Agustín Perez Gasco; Bob Perkins; Robert Perlongo; Mimi Perrin; Jan Persson; Brock Peters; Leif Bo Petersen; Joe Peterson; Michel Pfau; Bruno Pfeiffer; (Philadelphia) City Archive (Ward Childs, Jefferson Moak); (Philadelphia) Clef Club (Michael Bailey, Don Gardner, Helen Haynes); (Philadelphia) Division of Vital Records; (Philadelphia) Free Library; Philadelphia Office of the District Attorney (Bill Duval, Dick Zappelli); Philadelphia Quarter Sessions (Diane Buscher, Frank Conaway); Philadelphia Tribune (Bob Bogle, Stacey Hibbert); Artie Phipps; Mark Plank; Joel Plavin; Hermine Plotnick; Peter Polatin; Robert Polillo; PolyGram France (Dominique Bernard, Veronique Guégan, Daniel Richard, Patrick Votan); Jacques Ponzio; Nannie Porres; Bob Porter; Lewis Porter; François Postif; Bill Potts; Alexandra Poux; Cecelia June Powell; Amy Pratico; Cliff Preiss; Ruth Price; William Pridemore; Brian Priestley; Aurin Primack; Bret Primack; Rebecca Prout; Bob Pruter; Boris Rabinowitsch; Tom Rademacher; Bets Radley; Bruce Boyd Raeburn; Jessica Raimi; Doug Ramsey; Guthrie Ramsey; Amy Randall; Rita Ransohoff; Roger Rathman; Ben Ratliff; Reeves Sound (Barrett Clark, Chick Crumpacker, Al Fait, Ray Fowler, Jack Higgins, Jack Voracek); Jean-Michel Reisser; Henri Renaud; Ulf Renberg; Marie-Thérèse Ricard; Charlie Rice; Eero Richman; Richmond Jazz Society (B. J. Brown); Bruce Ricker; Guillaume Ricour; Larry Ridley; Alex Riel; David Rife; Sara Rimer; Terry Ripmaster; Luis Reyes Rivera; Max Roach; John Storm Roberts; Bernard Robidoux; David Roediger; Robert Rohr; Sonny Rollins; Marcel Romano; Boris Rose; Ted Rosenthal; Raymond Ross; Steve Ross; David Rothenberg; Seth Rothstein; the Roundhouse (Stephanie McNeil, Sue Slawson); Gilbert Rovère; Liliane Rovère; Pascal Rugoni; Michel Ruppli; Caroline Rupprecht; Sadi; Kathe Salzman; Harvey Sand; Randy Sandke; Stanley Sands; Michel Sardaby; Evan Sarzin; André Sas; Owen Scanlon; Phil Schaap; Walter Schaap; Jon Schapiro; Lalo Schifrin; Schirmer Books; Judith Schlesinger; Don Schlitten; Claude Schlouch; George Schmid; Mary Schmidt; Al Schmitt; Peter Schneider; Debbie Schore; Cees Schrama; Frank Schubert; Larry Schulman; Steve Schwerner; Rebecca Scott; Stuart Scott; John C. Scruggs; Milton Sealey; Gideon Seaman; Joe Segal; Matthew Seig; Sofia Sequenzia; David Serlin; Doug Seroff; Cynthia Sesso; Keith Shadwick; Yolanda Shashaty; Jeffrey Shandler; Yvette Shea; Marie Shear; George Shearing; John Shelton; Dan Shepard; Chris Sheridan; Josh Sherman; Randi Sherman; Alyn Shipton; Bob Shirelle; Bill Shoemaker; John M. Shostrom; Don Sickler; Franklin Siegel; Lincoln Siliakus; Kirk Silsbee; Horace Silver; Robert Silverberg; Kenneth Silverbush; John Silverman; Lars Silverness; Art Simmons; Jack Simpson; George Singley; Bill Sloan; Alma Smith; Carl Smith; Mark Smith; Denise Smyler; Society for Electronic Access (Simona); Clifford Solomon; Jan Aldrich Solow; Marty Solow; Michael Keenan Solow; Peter Solow; Rita Newman Solow; Steven Solow; Songwriters Guild (Miss Sumpter); Jack Sorel; Jan-Klitgaard Sørenson; Jan Søttrup; Sune Spangberg; Hélène and Yves Sportis; Evan Spring; St Charles Borromeo (Laura Hayden, Ethel White); Stadt Bibliothek-Essen (Alfred Peter); Sabine Stadtfeld; Standard Electronics (George van Orman); Anders Stefansen; Sol Stein; Lasse Steiner; Marcia Stepanek; Allan Stephensen; Christian Steulet; Zan Stewart; Bo Stief; Tyler Stovall; Peter Straus; Mark Stryker; Ned Sublette; Jon-Christian Suggs; Idrees Sulieman; Ira Sullivan; Jeff Sultanof; Robert Sunenblick; Alan Sutherland; Evelyn Sutler; Thomas Szasz; Tamiment Library (Deborah Bernhardt); Bertrand Tavernier; Art Taylor; Billy Taylor; Yuval Taylor; Georges Teboul; Temple University (Charles Blockson, David Kairys, Urban Archive: Margaret Jerrido); Alain Tercinet; Clark Terry; Neil Tesser; Ed Thigpen; Athan Theoharis; Pam Thomas; Ann Thulin; Jens-Jørgen Thorsen; Allen Tinney; Amaya Toland; Ellis Tollin; Nancy Tomes; Wendi Traub-Cohen; Carol Tristano; Thierry Trombert; Lloyd Trotman; Terry Trotter; Cathy and Lem Tucker; Giulio Turturro; Bertrand Uberall; Barry Ulanov; Michael Ullman; Univenture (Jim Geers, Carrie Swank); University of Chicago (Anita Berenson, Julian Goldsmith, Leah Greene, Robert Shirelle, Barbara Sievertsen, Richard Wang, Pete Wiley); Carmen Urbina; Fernando Ortiz de Urbina; René Urtréger; Kenneth Vail; Rob van der Bliek; Veterans Administration (Tasha Adams); Norman Vickers; Ton Vingerhoets; Al Vogl; Lois Vossen; Bert Vuijsje; Ken Wachsberger; Al Walker; Jean Walsh; Charles Walton; Richard Wang; Jerry Warner; Kenny Washington; Lynn Washington; Larue Brown Watson; Matt Watson; Tom Weaver; Susan Weeks; Bob Weinstock; Glenn Laszlo Weiss; Klaus Weiss; Mark Weiss; Michael Weiss; Ron Welburn; Kevin Whitehead; Arild Widerøe; Erik Wiedemann; Gerald Wiggins; Pete Wiley; Father Williams; Gwen Williams; Tony Williams (drummer); Tony Williams (Spotlite); Claude Williamson; Miryam Williamson; Larry Willis; Valerie Wilmer; John S. Wilson; Paul Winson; Ross Wisdom; Carl Woideck; Connie Woodruff; Phil Woods; Paul Yamada; Morty Yoss; Ben Young; Gregg Allan Young; Lee Young; Marcel Zannini; Chris Zearfoss; Stefano Zenni; François Ziegler; Marshall Zucker
Musicians deserving of special mention
Rashied Ali Bill Crow L. Jesse Drakes Eddie Gale Hen Gates Johnny Griffin Dick Katz Larance Marable Jackie McLean Gil Melle Artie Phipps Billy Taylor Allen Tinney René UrtrégerThose worth a second mention (great specialists, devoted colleagues, or dear friends)
Biff Baker, Bryant Berg; Daniel Berger: Conrad Brenner; Michael Cuscuna; Carol Ann Cutler; Ellen Dwyer; Dede Emerson; Peter Ferko; Chris Finch; Ira Gitler; Françoise Guillon; Peter Andrew Hill; Elliot Hoffman; Michael Horowitz; IJS (Dan Morgenstern, Ed Berger, Vincent Pelote, John Clement, Don Luck, Annie Kuebler, April Greer, Joe Peterson); Larry Kart; Michael Lang; Tim Ledwith; Margareta Jonsson Lundstrom; Joan Lynn Malin; Phil Mattera; Andrea McArdle; National Writers Union; James Patrick; Francis Paudras; Lewis Porter; Celia June Powell; Brian Priestley; Daniel Richard; Yolanda Shashaty; George Singley; John M. Shostrom; Carl Smith; Michael Keenan Solow; Jan Søttrup; Gary A. Struhl; Thierry Trombert; Bertrand Uberall; Fernando Ortiz de Urbina; Michael Ullman; Bert Vuijsje; Ross Wisdom; Ben Young; Gregg Allan YoungThose whom I wish had lived to read Wail:
Johnny Griffin Randi Hultin Gaye Malin Rita Newman Solow Aaron Young . . . and Lucille, though you never knew what you'd started . . . andMY PYM